In verse 16 Paul says, "Only this: whereto we have attained, let us walk by the same rule" (Gk.). No matter the degree of our experience, we need to walk by the same rule. This rule is to think the one thing. Do not say, "Brother Lee, you have been in the Lord for more than fifty years and have a great deal of experience. You are matured and on a high level. But we have been in the church life a short time." No matter on what level we are, we need to walk by the same rule and to think of nothing other than the experience of Christ for the church life. To walk by the same rule is simply to think the one thing. For this reason, Paul besought Euodias and Syntyche to think the same thing (4:2). No matter what our age may be, young, middle-aged, or elderly, and no matter how long we have been in the church life, we need to walk by the same rule by thinking the one thing. If we do this, the situation in the church life will be wonderful. By thinking the one thing we shall be kept in oneness and in life. Instead of divisions or opinions among us, there will be the genuine oneness with life.
Throughout the recovery, we all need to think the one thing—to pursue Christ toward the goal for the prize. If we do this, we shall be in oneness, and we shall be full of life. This is my burden in these days. I hope that you all will be infused with this burden and from now on will not care for anything other than the best enjoyment of Christ. We all want to be filled with Christ so that we may attain to the outstanding resurrection, the out-resurrection from among the dead. We want to think the one thing so that we may be one not only in spirit, but also in soul. Furthermore, by thinking the one thing, the reality of the riches of Christ will reach its fullness. This is the Lord’s recovery.
(The Experience of Christ, Chapter 9, by Witness Lee)