Watchman Nee—A Seer of the Divine Revelation in the Present Age, by Witness Lee


Traveling was the third means Watchman used to carry out his ministry. Although he had no desire to be popular, under the leading of the Lord, he traveled through a number of provinces in China. Wherever he went, sinners were saved, believers were edified in life, and either the church was strengthened or the way was paved for a church to be established.

A. Domestic

In 1922 he visited Shanghai, testifying in the Christian and Missionary Alliance Auditorium at North Szechuan Road.

In 1924 he preached in Hangchow. From there he went to Nanking to assist in the work of the Spiritual Light.

In 1925 he held revival meetings with the denominations in Changchow, south Fukien.

In March 1926 he visited Amoy, Kulangsu, Changchow, and Tung-An, in south Fukien for approximately two months.

In the summer of the same year, he held revival meetings in the province of Anhwei.

In the second half of 1926, he visited south Fukien again and established gatherings for the Lord’s recovery in Amoy, Tung-An, and nearby places.

In the late fall of 1926, he was invited by Cheng Chi-kwei and Ruth Lee to visit Nanking for the second time. He stayed in the home of Brother Cheng and helped him translate Scofield’s Bible Correspondence Course and preached at Nanking University.

In the beginning of 1927, he took up residence in the town of Tsao-Chiao, Wusih, Kiangsu, where he wrote the first volume of The Spiritual Man.

In March 1927 he visited Shanghai, attending the gatherings there with the saints in the Lord’s recovery. He later settled in Shanghai.

In the summer of 1928 and in July of 1930, he went to Kuling, Kiangsi, for rest.

In January 1931 he visited Swatow and Chieh-Yang, Kwangtung, returning to Shanghai at the end of the same month.

In the same year he visited Peking.

(Watchman Nee—A Seer of the Divine Revelation in the Present Age, Chapter 23, by Witness Lee)