Living In and With the Divine Trinity, by Witness Lee


Ephesians 4:4 reveals that there is one Spirit for one Body with one hope. Without Paul’s prayer in Ephesians 3, there would be no way for the believers to be one Body. Because the believers’ inward parts have been taken over, occupied, by the settling Christ, the Spirit can be the very essence of the Body. The church as the Body of Christ has the Spirit as its essence with a hope. The hope is that the entire Body of Christ will be fully transfigured. Today much of our being still remains in the old creation, but we have a hope that one day the Lord will transfigure even our physical body into His likeness. Today the Spirit is the Body’s essence. The Spirit as the essence of the Body needs to saturate our entire being until we are transfigured. We have a hope for this transfiguration.

Ephesians 4:5 speaks of one Lord [the Son] with one faith and one baptism. Faith united us to Christ in the organic union, and baptism cut us off, separated us, from the world. In other words, faith joins and baptism cuts. Now we are of the Lord because we have faith and baptism.

Verse 6 says that there is one God and Father of all—over all, through all, and in all. We need to be those who are enjoying the Father as the source of the Trinity. This One is in three directions. He is over all, through all, and in all. This means that the Father is triune. Actually, the Father is over all, the Son is through all, and the Spirit is in all. This shows that the Triune God is embodied in the Father who is also over all, through all, and in all.


Ephesians 5:19 and 20 also show the Divine Trinity in the divine move and in our experience. First, there is speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs [songs of the Spirit] in verse 19. The word "spiritual" shows that all the songs are spiritual poems of the Spirit. This means that the Spirit is the very essence of our psalms, hymns, and songs. The worldly poetry is of another kind of essence. When we sing our psalms, our hymns, and our songs, we have the deep feeling that we are touching another essence, and this essence is the very Spirit of God.

Verse 19b says that we should be singing and psalming with our heart to the Lord [the Son]. Our psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs are of the Spirit, but we sing them to the Lord, the Son. Then we need to be those giving thanks at all times for all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God and the Father (v. 20). We sing with the essence of the Spirit to the Son. Then we give thanks to the Father. All Three of the Godhead are covered in Ephesians 5:19-20.

When we speak the psalms, the hymns, and the songs, we are speaking something of the essence of the Spirit. Then we render our singing, our psalming to the Son, and we thank our Father in the name of the Son with the essence of the Spirit. This is our enjoyment of the Divine Trinity. However, very few Christians realize that whenever we sing or speak a hymn, we are enjoying the Three of the Divine Trinity. We enjoy the essence of the Spirit, we enjoy the Lord as our goal, and we enjoy the Father as our object. We thank the Father, and we sing songs to the Son with something of the essence of the Spirit. This is the way in which we enjoy the Triune God.

(Living In and With the Divine Trinity, Chapter 6, by Witness Lee)