- Turmoil Among the Children of God
- The Present Turmoil in the Lord ’S Recovery
- The Direction of the Lord ’S Move Today
- God ’S Promise to Crush Satan Under the Feet of the Local Churches
- The Body Being the Genuine Oneness
- The Oneness Partly of the Faith and Partly of the Full Knowledge of the Son of God
- The Attributes of the Oneness of the Church As the Unique Body of Christ
- The Base of the Practice of the Proper One Accord in the Church
- Spirituality or Scriptural Teaching Not to Be Used As a Cloak for Division
- The Catholic Hierarchy
- The Test of the Problem of Language—
- The Test of a Sharp Contention Between the Two Co-workers, Paul and Barnabas, Concerning Taking Mark Along with Them— Acts 15:36-40
- The Test of Divisions and Strifes Among the Saints in Exalting Gifted Persons— 1 Corinthians 1:10-13
- The Test of a Brother Having a Case Against Another Brother—1 Corinthians 6:1, 6-8
- The Test of Some Believers in Corinth Saying That There is No Resurrection of the Dead—1 Corinthians 15:12
- The Test of Some Fleshly Corinthian Believers Charging That the Apostle, Being Crafty, Took Advantage of Them with Guile Through Titus, Who Took Care of the Gifts for the Jewish Believers— 2 Corinthians 12:16-18a
- The Test of a Brother Being Overtaken in Some Offense—Galatians 6:1
- The Test of Some Walking Among the Believers Disorderly, Working at Nothing, but Being Busybodies— 2 Thessalonians 3:11
- The Test of an Elder Committing Sin and Being Accused by the Believers— 1 Timothy 5:19-20
- The Test of Men Being Lovers of Self, Lovers of Money, and Lovers of Pleasure Rather Than Lovers of God, Having a Form of Godliness but Having Denied Its Power, Men Corrupted in Mind, Disapproved Concerning the Faith—2 Timothy 3:2-8
- The Test of a Factious, Sectarian Man— Titus 3:10-11
- The Test of Many Antichrists Having Come—1 John 2:18
- Xxxviii. the Test of Many Deceivers, As Antichrists, Going out into the World, Not Confessing Jesus Christ Coming in the Flesh but Going Beyond the Teaching of Christ— 2 John 7, 9-11
- The Test of Some in Ephesus Calling Themselves Apostles and Not Being Such— Revelation 2:1a, 2
- The Test of Some in Pergamos Holding the Teaching of the Nicolaitans— Revelation 2:15
- The Test of the Church in Sardis with the Remaining Things Being About to Die— Revelation 3:2a
- The Test of the Church in Laodicea Boasting, "I am Rich and Have Become Rich and Have Need of Nothing," Not Knowing That It Was Wretched, Miserable, Poor, Blind, and Naked— Revelation 3:17
- A Concluding Word
- The Nature, Ground, and Condition of a Local Church
- The Factors of a Denomination (Sect)
- The Discerning of the One Body
- The Leading Ones and Some of the Leading Seeking Ones Taking the Lead to Practice, in a Definite Way, Each Step of the God-ordained Way
- Contacting People by Ourselves Directly, Personally, and Continually to Bear Remaining Fruit
- A Simple Way to Bear Remaining Fruit
- Laboring in a Personal Way for the Increase of the Church
- Learning to Preach the Gospel and to Prophesy in the New Way
- The Fellowship of the Churches in the Lord ’S Recovery