Life-Study of 1 & 2 Samuel, by Witness Lee

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We need to read the books of 1 and 2 Samuel with a view of God’s economy. In particular, we need to have the view of one who sees God’s sovereignty and who has received the grace to learn to suffer under the cross while enjoying all the provisions afforded by the processed, consummated Triune God—the Father, the Son, and the Spirit.

In the New Testament we have the pure revelation, but we do not have very many illustrations. However, the books of history in the Old Testament, especially 1 and 2 Samuel, contain many stories that actually are illustrations of the New Testament revelation. There are a number of lessons that we cannot learn adequately without these illustrations. As we read the stories in these books, we need to pray with Paul that "the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory," would give us "a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the full knowledge of Him" (Eph. 1:17). If we have such a spirit, then in the record concerning David’s trials under Saul we will see the Triune God, the cross of Christ, and the power of His resurrection.

(Life-Study of 1 & 2 Samuel, Chapter 15, by Witness Lee)