- The Place
- The Subject
- A Council Held in Heaven Concerning Job
- Satan Attacking Job, and Job Suffering Trials in the Matter of His Possessions and Children
- Satan Attacking Job, and Job Suffering the Trial in His Body
- A Significant, Instructive, and Unveiling Scene
- A Step of the Divine Economy
- A Mysterious and Glorious Consummation
- Job ’S Experience of God ’S Consuming and Stripping in the Old Testament Being Far Behind That of Paul in the New Testament
- God ’S Intention with Job
- Eliphaz Correcting Job
- Eliphaz Implying That Job Should Follow Him to Seek After God and Commit His Cause to God
- Blaming His Friends for Not Showing Kindness to Him
- Job, Like His Friends, Being Halted in the Knowledge of Right and Wrong, Not Knowing God ’S Economy
- Bildad Being the Second One to Rebut Job
- Warning Job That All Who Forget God Wither Like Papyrus and Reeds
- Zophar ’S Blind Argument
- Eliphaz ’S Rebuke and Warning
- Eliphaz ’S Logic Concerning the Recompense of Good and Evil
- Christ ’S Crucifixion Accomplishing the Eternal Redemption of God
- The Spirit Being the Aggregate of the Divine Blessing of the Gospel Given to Us
- The Three of the Divine Trinity Being Different but Not Separate
- The Steps of the Process of the Triune God
- The Consummation of the Processed and Consummated Triune God Being the Spirit
- Job ’S Knowledge Concerning God in His Dealings with All Kinds of Men
- Bildad ’S Concluding Word
- The Triune God Being Wrought into Us in His Consummated State
- The Only One Who Can Be a Christian— the Processed and Consummated Triune God Living in Us As the Consummated Spirit
- Holding Fast Insistently to His Righteousness and Integrity
- God ’S Corporate Move Revealed in Acts Through Revelation
- Job ’S Exposing of Himself Through His Eight Times of Speaking to His Three Friends
- Christians Being Mysterious Because They Move in God ’S Move and God Moves in Their Move
- Being Full of Words, His Spirit Constraining Him, and His Inward Parts Being Like New Wineskins That Were About to Burst
- Refuting Job
- Elihu ’S Third Correction and Refutation of Job
- Learning to Remain in Our Spirit
- Warning Job That He Was Filled with the Judgment of the Wicked
- Instructing Job to Fear God
- God Condemning Job ’S Three Friends for Not Speaking Concerning Him That Which Was Right, As His Servant Job Had
- God Paying No Attention to Elihu
- God ’S Desire to Bring Job into Another Realm
- The Realm of the Old Creation and the Realm of the New Creation
- God ’S Chosen People Realizing and Experiencing Christ for the Consummation of the Body and the Preparation of the Bride
- From the Decree of the Law Through Moses to the First Coming of Christ
- The Divine Revelation in the New Testament Unveiling What Was on God ’S Heart when He Appeared to Job
- God Reducing Job to Nothing and Maintaining His Existence That God Might Impart Himself into Him
- Redeemed Man Needing to Offer Christ As the Burnt Offering That He Might Be Regarded by God
- The Ones Chosen and Called by God Needing to Believe into Jesus Christ
- The Function of the Book of Job in the Scriptures
- The Function of the Psalms
- Two Lines
- Two Principles
- Two Ends
- The Divine Dispensing Being Carried out by the Spirit of Life